About being blessed..

My head is full of so many dreams, longings and thoughts!

There are so many possibilities. Places to go, phenomenons to see and people to meet. Everysingle day I get even more overwhelmed with all there is, all that I can do with my ife.

Many times it comes to the point where I get restless, stressed, bummed that I’m where i am, craving to run along on the next adventure. Towards the next discovery.

But let me tell you something. I have a new strategy. One that really helps.

When the stress comes over me and the longing gets just alittle bit too hard to bear. Close to a freakout.

Thats when i walk down memory lane!

In my case this particular evening, that lane was facebook (yes, sometimes it CAN be a blessing!)

Memory lane for me, means looking at all the pictures I ahve from my adventures. I’m not lying when I say I have thousands of pictures. Whoever knows me, can confrim that.

So this particular night, scrolling down the gathering of endless photos taken of; sites seen, people met, cuntries visited, lessons learned, works done, faileurs survived, challenges performed, roles played and lived, fears overcome, longings met, dreams fulfilled and restarted, moments shared, friends won and lost, happiness and sadness experiences, lost and shared in all kinds of situations, countries and groups of friends.

This night, this special moment, there is not a single doubt in my mind that I am more that truly blessed!

So far i have had an amazing life, with amazing experiences.

It hasn’t always been easy and very seldom straight forward, and even though I have banged my head against the wall in despair more than I wish for anyone..

..on this particular night, i have to say it once again.

I am soo blessed!

So greatful!

I still have many dreams and hopes and a whole bunch of winding roads yet to walk. The story doesn’t end here.

But at this exact moment I am so thankful for my life!

And thats a pretty damn good place to start the rest of my journey!!!


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