It’s gotta be time soon..

I’m sitting in Norrland.. Visiting my family for christmas!

It’s lovely. I love my family. They’re my own blood and heritage.

But then I start to surf the net, read, scan, watch photos and read stories. I check out the profiles of my Facebook friends whom I know are out there.. cruising.

It’s the end of 2014. A new year is about to begin. A new year.. My thirty second year.

I have been living this secure life for a couple of years. Actually.. I did two years, then I left again, now it’s been 1,5 again. I’m starting to feel like 2 years is a maximum for me. It is some kind of limit, some kind of wave breaking. Every two years I get a wake up call from my inside whispering “it’s time”..

Every time it is for different reasons. About 3,5 years ago it was an escape from a life i despised. A life of loneliness and boredom that I needed to leave.

This time it is something else. I live a good life with friends and experience a meaningfulness in relationships with others that I haven’t felt for a very long time. A safe recognition. I know what I have, who is there and what I can expect from it and them. I love it.

Maybe it is just me growing up, getting to know myself, seeing things just a little more clearly for every single day passing by. Understanding a little bit more what I want and need to live the life I discovered and still discover that I want, more and more for every single day. What makes my heart keep beating.

And that’s it!

That is exactly what has awoken the whispering.

“It’s time”.

Not time for a new escape. No.

It is time.. To take one step closer to what I am really doing here.

It is time for a new adventure. Soon.

And in time, I will tell you where it leads..




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